Tuesday 10 July 2012

My Exhibitions.

These Are My Final Photography And Graphics Exhibitions That I Did To Show My A2 Year Of Art Work. This Showed Final Big Prints Of My Favourite Images As Well As Giving A Space To Show My Sketchbooks To The Examiner. The First Two Images Show My Photography Boards. On The First Side, I Showed My Exam Pieces And My Newest Pieces Of Work, Linking To The Exam Theme Of 'Combination And Alliances.' I Showed The Combination And Alliance Of Flowers And Women. On The Second Board, Was The Best Of My Coursework. I Firstly Showed My Multimedia Project With My Favourite Images. I Also Had My Multimedia Video Playing On A Computer. Under These Images Were My Two Favourite Images Taken In Egypt.

This Is My Graphics Exhibition. Here I Have Photographed Two Of My Boards Together, As I Also Wanted To Show The Table With My Perfume Bottle Packaging. On The First Side Of The Board It Shows My Exam Pieces And My Japanese Geisha Advertisements. Here I Have Displayed My Posters, My Gift Bag, Invitations And My Canvas Bag. On The Other Side Is My Cosmetic Advertising Project Where I Show My Photography As Well As Illustrations On The Display Board. Overall I Am Really Happy With Both Of My Exhibition Boards For My 'A Level' Studies. 

Thursday 5 July 2012

Projection Of Flowers Photoshoot.

This Photoshoot Was For My Combination And Alliance Project, Where I Focused On The Combination Of Flowers And Women. This Was The Final Photoshoot That I Did For This Project And I Was Extremely Happy With The Results Of This Shoot. I Think That The Combination Of Using My Own Flower Photography To Project On My Model Worked Successfully, Some Projections Creating Shadows And Other Interesting And Exciting Floral Patterns. I Used Lots Of Different Imagery Of Flowers. I Had The Help Of Victoria Cleave To Model In This Shoot. She Was An Amazing Model Who Followed My Direction Extremely Well. I Also Used The Clothing To Create Shape And Softness To The Images. Lastly, I Brought In A Bird Cage To The Shoot, To Suggest 'Trapped Beauty.' This Was The First Ever Studio Shoot That I Have Done, As I Normally Favour Shooting On Location. I Then Used These Images As Well As The Ophelia Images To Create A Fashion Photography Book For My Exam Piece. This Was My Very Last Photoshoot That I Did For My 'A Level' Studies Using This For My Exam Piece. I Hope You Like Them.

Ophelia Fashion Photoshoot.

This Next Project Was About Focusing On The Combination And Alliance Of Flowers And Women. This Is What I Decided To Do For Exam Theme For My Photography 'A Level.' I Really Wanted To Capture This Theme In Fashion Photography. The Combination Is Common In Most Pieces Of Art Showing Women. When Looking At Historical Images Of Women And Flowers, I Came Across The Old Shakespeare Story Of Ophelia, The Woman Surrounded By Flowers Drowning To Death. I Decided To Create My Own Fashion Photography Approach To This Story. I Wanted To Show More Of The Beauty Rather Than The Tragedy Of This Story. I Decided To Shoot These Images In A Bath Tub. I Experimented With Three Different Models To Capture Different Looks. This Was One Of My Favourite Photohoots That I Have Done. I Really Liked How It Was A Modern Approach To The Ophelia Story And I Believe This Was A Really Successful Idea.

Japanese Geisha Advertising.

My Next Pieces Of Work Was About Looking At The Combination Of Japanese Culture With Fashion. This Was My Graphics Project So I Focused On Fashion Promotion And The Advertisement Of Japanese Fashion But In A Modern Contemporary Style. I Decided To Look At 'Geisha Style' And How This Could Be Shown In The Style Pieces Of My Chosen Designer. These First Images Were My First Digital Experiments With My Photography Of My Two Geisha Girls. In These Quick Experiments, I Focused On Colour And Japanese Floral Patterns Over My Images. These Quick Experiments Made Me More Aware That I Wanted To Combine Manual And Digital Techniques Together In My Next Pieces Of Work That I Would Create For My Advertisements.

I Worked Manually In The Darkroom With My Images As I Have Really Enjoyed The Darkroom Technique In The Past And Developing My Own Images. I Wanted To Create Exciting Images By Splashing The Developer Onto My Images And Spraying It So That It Revealed The Images In An Expressive Way. Once I Had Experimented Digitally, I Then Scanned These Pieces Of Work But Also Combining This With Digital Manipulations On Photoshop. I Feel That These Next Pieces Of Work Were Really Sucsessful As I Really Like The Illustrative Effect.

My Project Focused On The Advertisement Of The Collaboration Of A Designer And A High Street Brand. I Decided To Look At The Collaboration Of Versace And H&M. I Looked At Creating Advertisement Pieces Such As Posters, A Gift Bag, Flyers And A Canvas Bag. I Really Enjoyed This Project Because I Was Able To Be More Creative With My Ideas Of Promotional Graphics.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Multimedia Music Video.

My Next Project Was About Exploring Moving Film And Experimenting With Video With Photography. I Decided That I Wanted To Stick With The Fashion Photography Theme, But Link It To Tableau Photography And Linking The Work To A Story. This Was Set Around A Bride Being Left At The Church And The Sadness And Devastation That She Feels. The Story Unveils As The Video Plays. It Is Backwards So That The Ending Is The Start Of The Video So That The Story Meaning Evolves. The Video Is A Music Video To The Song 'Scared Of Lonely' By Beyonce. The Lyrics Really Played An Important Role In The Video. I Used Moving Film In This Video, Reversing Some Parts Of The Clips So The Model Created Interesting Movement. I Used Two Settings For This Music Video. I Used The Beach, Which I Titled 'The Honeymoon.' I Shot The Church Scenes At A Derelict Church In Tunstall, To Link To The Emotion Of The Bride In The Video.


Tuesday 3 July 2012

Natural Beauty Photoshoot.

In This Next Photoshoot, I Really Wanted To Keep It Quite Simple And Capture The Natural Beauty Of The Model And Flowers. These Two Things Really Link Well Together, And Are Constantly Shown In Art And Photography. I Shot These Images At A Beautiful Gardens Called 'East Ruston Old Vicarage Gardens.' I Took These In The Summer So That I Would Have Better Flowers To Capture Because Of The Season. I Really Wanted To Experiment With Black And White Shots, As Well As Some Sepia Tones To Show A Difference In My Work.