Wednesday 4 July 2012

Multimedia Music Video.

My Next Project Was About Exploring Moving Film And Experimenting With Video With Photography. I Decided That I Wanted To Stick With The Fashion Photography Theme, But Link It To Tableau Photography And Linking The Work To A Story. This Was Set Around A Bride Being Left At The Church And The Sadness And Devastation That She Feels. The Story Unveils As The Video Plays. It Is Backwards So That The Ending Is The Start Of The Video So That The Story Meaning Evolves. The Video Is A Music Video To The Song 'Scared Of Lonely' By Beyonce. The Lyrics Really Played An Important Role In The Video. I Used Moving Film In This Video, Reversing Some Parts Of The Clips So The Model Created Interesting Movement. I Used Two Settings For This Music Video. I Used The Beach, Which I Titled 'The Honeymoon.' I Shot The Church Scenes At A Derelict Church In Tunstall, To Link To The Emotion Of The Bride In The Video.


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